As promised, I'm here to share all the details of the most wonderful day of my life.
The day started at 8am... after a night of girl talk and giggling, we finally went to bed around 2am only to awake up early the next morning. Tina, my hairstylist, came to the hotel to do my hair for me. She did such an amazing job and I couldn't be happier. We weren't able to get together to do a trial run so she did it based on pictures I had printed and pictures I'd sent her from my bridal portraits. Thanks Tina for such an amazing job!
Afterwards, mom and I headed to get our make up done at Macys with Clinque. That's when I got the first phone call of the day telling me it was an hour after the time the Officer's Club said we could come and no one was there, except for my two bridesmaids trying to get in. I told them to call me as soon as they got in. About 30 minutes later, things were fine.

It was a little after Noon when I reached the venue and I wanted to check everything out to make sure things were going the way I wanted. I was nervous at all. We had a room for all of us to get ready and it had plenty of windows for us to look out to see what was going on.
First Look |
Soon after the photographer arrived and that's when time started flying by. We were taking lots of pictures, having fun, and getting me dressed.
Dave and I decided that we wanted to see each other before the ceremony, not only to calm our nerves but for the beautiful pictures that come from it. I've seen so many great pictures from this moment, I couldn't pass it up. We had the perfect location. Out to the side of the lawn of the Officer's Club is a bridge, so that's where the photographers took Dave, giving me the chance to walk up behind him. It was a priceless moment, just like I hoped for. He actually cried moments after turning around and seeing me there in my wedding dress.. just an hour or so away from becoming his wife. After a few moments to ourselves, we were whisked away for pictures.
We then noticed guests were starting to arrive, so I took off back to our room and the guys hung out in the reception area. We also let guests hang out in there as it was like 90 degrees outside and no breeze. The ceremony started about 15 minutes late as it was Retiree Appreciation Day on base as well so the front gate was backed up, and there were still a lot of guests waiting to get on base.
The ceremony was by no means perfect, but perfect to use. Everyone looked amazing standing up at the front as a I walked down the aisle.

I loved the parasols and how it looks from this picture and I know the girls enjoyed them since it was rather warm. I have to admit and always will, I did jump the gun on the "I Dos". I heard Mary Louise (our officiant) pause when reading the the vows and I jumped in and said "I Do" when she actually had another line to read.
Jumping The Gun on "I Do" |
The guys wore aviator sunglasses during the ceremony, including Dave but when I looked into his "eyes" or glasses, all I could see was my reflection, So I took them off of him during the ceremony so I could see.
During the exchanging of rings, Ryan, the best man decided to play a little trick. He handed Dave the ring box... and it was empty. Then he decided to be silly and act like he didn't know where the rings were. He then pulled them out of his pocket... and I had trouble getting the ring of Suzanne's finger.. it was stuck for a quick second.
We had one part of the ceremony we had to skip over and come back to later on. We wanted to give our mom's roses as a representation of our love and thanks for everything. It was supposed to happen near the beginning of the ceremony but someone forget to put the roses on the table. But the coordinator was able to get them and had the guys pass them up to us.
And the only other issue we had.. well I did was during the sand ceremony.. it took forever.. and I kept spilling my sand on the table.. Oh well! lol
Mr. & Mrs. Turner! |
I'll stop here and come back at a later time to recap the reception.. that's something you won't want to miss.
Where else where you find a gamecock, pink converse sneakers and groomsmen running around without their shirts..... Um that would be our reception! Stay tuned....